Research Assistance Fellows Program

Tobias Center Research Assistance Fellows Program

The Randall L. and Deborah F. Tobias Center for Innovation in International Development issues calls for Research Assistance Fellows Program each fall and spring.

The Research Assistance Fellows Program provides IU Bloomington students with opportunities to engage in collaborative research with faculty about international development. Students may apply directly to the Tobias Center for a research assistantship and faculty may apply for funding to employ a research assistant. The Tobias Center will work with accepted faculty to match them to research assistants with relevant knowledge and skills.

The deadline for Fall 2024 Fellows Has Passed. The application portal will open for Spring 2025 on October 15, 2024.

Application Procedures

Apply by April 26, 2024

Faculty seeking funds should submit their application at this link by April 26. Application includes: 

  • A research proposal of no more than 1,000 words (shorter is preferred), briefly describing the project’s content, scholarly significance, and contribution to the Tobias Center’s mission.
  • A short description of the research tasks the investigator anticipates hiring the RA to complete, along with a plan for providing the RA with relevant training to complete these tasks.
  • The faculty member’s C.V.

We will work with faculty accepted to receive a Tobias Center Research Assistance Fellow to match them with an appropriate Fellow. We will make the final matches in August, before the start of the fall semester.

Faculty also have the option of identifying their own RAs.

Students seeking a research assistantship should submit their application here by April 26, 2024. Application includes: 

  • A 1-page (single spaced) statement outlining the following:
    • Why you are interested in a research assistantship
    • Your previous research expeirence
    • What knowledge and skills you hope to gain from an assistantship
    • Your academic areas of interest (this could include topics or themes, world region(s), etc.).
  • A resume or CV 
You will receive notifications of acceptance to the RA Fellows Program and matching with a faculty mentor in August, before the start of the semester.

Award Criteria

The Tobias Center will decide awards based on the relevance of the research to the Tobias Center’s mission and the pedagogical value of the RA’s proposed research tasks. Applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of members of the Tobias Center Steering Committee.

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